Mage dmg to tanks
Mage dmg to tanks


HIGH INT also affects how long the slowing lasts when you use ice spells. The higher the INT.the more the stun success rate AND how long the stun lasts.


A good build for high dmg and alot of HP, but not the best dmg possible.Īny questions about mages.feel free to PM me. There is only one lyacon +8 staff I've seen in Xydonis, and even this staff has far lower AP and flame dmg than my wreath. Killing them faster means you need more damage. I do have 4400 HP, however they go fast if the human is STILL attacking you. Maximum damage is in the 900-1100 range with lvl 70 incineration.


Even though a lyacon +7 and full 255 MP seems like the best build for maximum damage, it doesnt come close to the dmg I do when I use Wreath +7. This is NOT a support mage build, it is for high dmg only. RESULTS: This build is the most popular you see in KO for mages. ANY build with more INT than 225 requires lower MP, and you can't hold elixer or wear complete armor. You last quite along time during a battle, being able to TP dead orcs back to fight, and slowing everyone down.

mage dmg to tanks

This build allows me to hold the elixer+8 and full complete armor, having over 1100 defense while holding Chitin Shield. Ice novas hurt, and keeps them slow, making them easy to kill in a full battle.

mage dmg to tanks

Problem with being a stun mage, is that the stun doesn't last long at all.and soon the humans are running full speed again, after suffering very little damage from the stun spell. This information came directly from the developers of Knight Online. 80% with 50% light resist, 50% to 80 resist. over 90% stun rate to players with 0 light resist. The skill that stuns the most is the lvl 51 static orb. The dmg is in the 400-600 range, very low compared to 1000-1200 with my Wreath+7. 2 lvl 70 novas slow everything down almost every time. RESULTS: This is obviously a build for stunning and slowing humans. When I lvl above lvl 70, I'll add more to MP, doing more dmg to humans. Continuous dmg is very high as well, from the flame dmg 78. Most times in AOE kills 8-10 humans. Lordxander is NOT a noob with noob items, either. Highest dmg done to a human was 1450 to my favorite target Lordxander using lvl 70 incineration.

mage dmg to tanks

This gives you the same HP, but higher defense. This build also allows you to wear lvl 2 mage armor, not lvl one. The alchemy staff is higher 88 AP and flame 64, however the wreath of erenion hits much harder, even more than a lyacon +8 staff. Even though the INT req is 112 and MP 245 to hold this staff, the AP is 85, flame dmg 78. I've tested several staffs, armors and INT/MP builds. So far being a paper mage has the highest damage possible towards humans in CZ. Hopefully this will help orcs and humans.and make those human mages more brave to come after me. The great Hermdigi has done several tests with different mage builds. Author: Hermdigi + additional guide by Szaraczek

Mage dmg to tanks